Untitled 2


Main educational interest :

 1- Physics of the atmosphere.

 2- Dynamics of the atmosphere.

 3- Synoptic of the atmospheric layers.

 4- Numerical modeling and weather forecasting.

 5- Climate and climate change.

 6- Boundary layer and upper atmosphere.

 7- Remote sensing and satellite.

 Study and research focus :

 1- Forecasting hazardous weather phenomena such as floods, twisters, thunderstorms and fog, etc.

 2- Application to aviation.

3- Sailing meteorology.

 4- Agricultural meteorology:

 (i) Water needs for plants and crops.

(ii) Drought and desertification.

(iii) relationship between weather phenomena, plant production, insects and plant disease.

 5- Meteorology and urban construction.

6- Renewable (solar and wind) energy.

7- Numerical weather forecasting and cloud seeding.

Last Update
1/24/2017 7:47:26 PM